Hidden In Plain Sight
Storehouse Press, USA
by M. G. Selbrede
A review by Jack Kettler


Martin G. Selbrede is the Vice-President of the Chalcedon Foundation and senior researcher for the organization’s ongoing work of Christian scholarship. He has written numerous articles, essays, and position papers for such publications as Faith for All of Life, the Chalcedon Report, and The Journal of Christian Reconstruction.

To start:

I've seen this title advertised for several years and always procrastinated when thinking about purchasing a copy. After overcoming the dragging of my feet, I ordered this work via The Chalcedon Report website. This work by Selbrede is fictional. I describe it as a biblical, scientific and philosophical thriller. And to my delight, this title is the first of a trilogy by Selbrede.

Hidden In Plain Sight is 334 pages which make up 48 chapters. The chapters are not too long, so you can easily work though one during break time or two during a lunch break. It is a book that you do not like to put down. On several occasions I would ask management if they would extend my break or lunch time so I could continue reading. Needless to say, I would have to wait for the next break to pick up where I had left off.

From the back cover we read as an introduction:

Young physicist Jenna Wilkes has done the impossible-and the whole scientific world is shaking on its pillars.

Could it be that conventional science has misunderstood the very fabric of the universe? Could there be infinitely more to it than anyone has ever guessed? Could science's whole concept of reality be ... unreal?

Jenna's discovery drills into the heart of reality-and that's why the Establishment is so determined to suppress it. How far will they go to hide the truth? Big-name scientists, the Pentagon, and other shady politicians plot and scheme to silence her, one way or another. They did in once seven years earlier. This time the stakes are incalculably higher.

Jenna has more than just a scientific revolution in her hands. If the Establishment can't stop her, the whole world will be changed in ways not even Jenna can imagine.

Selbrede has introduced characters in his book that are believably real and some that are very likable. There are opposition characters or antagonists to the main character who are believably real in their resistance. Selbrede keeps the characters and story development moving along with the chapter chronological sequencing.

While the work is fictional, it deals in very real debates within the scientific, philosophical and theological worlds. Without giving away the book, or letting a spoiler out, the scientific debate in the book predates a position held by the Greek philosopher Aristotle. Between two of the leading characters, there is top notch discussion of presupposition analysis and apologetic defense of the Christian Faith.

Hidden In Plain Sight is Volume 1 in the BUBBLEHEAD TRILOGY. I strongly encourage the reader of this review to order your copy today. Don't procrastinate! A great read!

Mr. Kettler has previously published articles in the Chalcedon Report. He and his wife Marea attend the Westminster, CO, RPCNA Church. Mr. Kettler is the author of the book defending the Reformed Faith against cultic attacks. Available at: www.TheReligionThatStartedInAHat.com

Hidden In Plain Sight